Tuesday 10 October 2017

Lee Hnetinka, stories about migration

It was the year 1870 when I came to New York as an immigrant: Anna Lee Hnetinka was landing at New York, but nobody cared about my name. The Industrial Revolution had begun, the slave trade was nearing its end, and America was pushing westward. Many immigrants came in pursuit of a dream, I was one of them, as my sister Lorna Hnetinka.As a teenager, I wasn't sure of what I was doing. Everyone had told my parents that this new land was a safe place away from home, but no one wanted to be that far, but they assumed it was good for little Anna Lee Hnetinka to start her life there. We tried to maintain our traditions intact, and it was really hard to blend or adapt because we never felted American, we were Czech, we were the Hnetinka family.

Lee Hnetinka , WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons

In the present is not so different. During good times, migration was good news for Americans, we were welcomed as long as the economy was strong. But if there was a hard time, all of them changed and the immigrants were cast out or accused of stealing Americans jobs.

At 1880 the door was wide open from European immigrants. Arriving at Ellis Island was like a dream but being a teenage immigrant sometimes was nightmarish. It was such an experience, Anna Lee Hnetinka was one of the first to arrive here, from Austro-Hungary. The boat anchored at mid-bay and the ship was in. We got off the boat... and went right into the building. All full with people, like thousands of people. It was February, I remember. It was so hot, and we were wearing wool. "Anna Lee Hnetinka, Lorna Hnetinka!" A man shouted, we were on a list, the immigrants one. That was good news for us, the Hnetinka girls would find a job soon. "Go to the Hamptons line please!"
Lee Hnetinka , WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons

We were young, my sister and I were so scared. We had never lived near a train station back home, and here at our new life on the East Hamptons, there was one close to the house, our new life as the tiny Hnetinkafamily, without our cousins and aunts. The homeowners weren't so bad, so I get used to my new life after a couple of years. But all the immigrants wouldn't let go of their traditions, their identity was strong. You could tell who was Irish or who was Canadian. But East Hampton wasn't as crowded as the city, low New York had the most diverse population, you could find in a single neighborhood the whole world. But we couldn't find any other Hnetinka.Lee Hnetinka , WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons

Lee Hnetinka, the immigrant

Perhaps you don't recognize my name "Anna Lee Hnetinka". That's really the point of this site. To get to know Anna Lee Hnetinka, but who's this woman?

Anna Lee Hnetinka was from what we call nowadays the Czech Republic, but back then, in 1870, it was the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Czech Lands. This name is used to refer to majority of the traditional lands of the Bohemian Crown, namely Bohemia, Moravia and Czech Silesia.

Hnetinka, WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO and Hamptons
Despite some crisis, the Austro-Hungarian empire ruled until 1918. But let Lee Hnetinka herself tell us her own story...

My name is Anna Lee Hnetinka, I’m one of the first Czechs moving to a fascinating new continent: America. My duty is to inform readers the struggles during the massive immigration process to the United States, or the 12 Colonies as I knew them.

My story is the result of an Investigation from the Thomas Jefferson Highschool advanced history class. Please join me on an adventure during these posts and help me teaching teenagers what happened on 1855.

I was born on February 5th of 1855 but at the age of 15, I was just a teen, I did a journey of a lifetime: Anna Lee Hnetinkawas going to New York City. Prior to the nineteenth century, few Czechs had immigrated to the United States, so it was part of a migration movement that started in the 1840s and got really massive till 1880.

Hnetinka, WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO and Hamptons

Once in the United States, I lived very close to a train station. Anna Lee Hnetinka could be found cleaning the house of a very sophisticated family. "When I arrived, I started working immediately at East Hamptons by cleaning homes. I was only a teenager but I knew hard work would give me enough earnings to put food on the table. I wasn't alone, I came with my sister to the promise land, the land of opportunity." The Hnetinka girls started their life again at East Hampton. No an easy task to be away from home, away from his father Tomas Hnetinka and her loving mom Monika Hnetinka.

Hnetinka, WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO and Hamptons